O.W.L.s Read-a-thon TBR | Monthly TBR 2020

It’s my favorite time of the year: O.W.L.s Magical Read-a-thon time! Every year, I look forward to this wonderful read-a-thon created by G from Book Roast. Last year, she introduced a whole careers system, and this year she expanded it a bit making it better than ever. This month, though I picked prompts for all 12 O.W.L.s, I hope to complete the 5 O.W.L.s needed to complete the Librarian career track and the 1 additional O.W.L. needed for Animagus training (two of the O.W.L.s needed for that are covered in my career track).

On a more personal level, I was able to do a bit more reading last month than I did in February (though that wasn’t all that hard), so I’m going into April with some momentum. On top of that, like most of the world, I am staying home for the duration because of COVID-19, My job has closed and I cannot work from home, so until it reopens, I am home with not much to do but read, unpack boxes (I moved at the end of last month), and try to fill my days the best I can. Even though I’m not currently working, I’m in a better position than others for various reason, so I’m trying to keep a positive mindset.

Anyway, without further ado, my TBR for the month of April:

  • Ancient Runes: Heart Rune: Read a book with a heart on the cover or in the title

This month’s TBR is chock full of fantasy titles (two especially large fantasy titles, actually), so I’m going to need all the help I can get. Christina Lauren is my go to writing duo when I’m looking for a light, fluffy contemporary and this one sounds so freaking good. I also usually read their books super quickly, so it’s a perfect beginning book for a read-a-thon.

  • Arithmancy: Magical qualities of number 2: balance/opposites – read something outside your favorite genre

Even before I read With the Fire on High earlier this year, I knew Clap When You Land was going to be on top of my most anticipated reads of 2020 after hearing her talk about it at Epic Reads Day last year. A story about secrets, family, and grief, I have a feeling that this book is going to hurt so good. And though I read a lot of contemporary, I very rarely read books in verse. I’m just not the biggest fan because I’m a sucker for description and world building, but Acevedo’s writing lends so well to the poetic form so I hope I love it.

Release date: May 5, 2020

Dark Shores was a sleeper favorite of mine last year. It wasn’t on the top of my TBR, but I needed a read for a similar prompt for the Bookie Trials read-a-thon and it was the only title on my shelves set by the sea that I could find, and I ended up loving it. I hope the sequel lives up to the first action-packed book.

Release date: May 5, 2020

maaaaay be stretching the definition for “witch” for this one, but all three main characters in this one wield magic, so I’m counting it. Soul of the World is one of my Top 20 To Read this year, and I’m cautiously optimistic about this one. From the reviews I’ve read it is a dense adult fantasy novel so it may take me the whole month to read, but I did snag the audiobook from Libby to help me along.

Throwing this book on my TBR this month was a total surprise. Originally I was planning to do a reread since I couldn’t find a book with shapeshifting that I haven’t read yet on my shelves, but when I was unpacking boxes I randomly reread the synopsis for this book and discovered it would be perfect for this prompt! I’ve heard great things about this book (and am a bit jealous of those who have the Fairyloot exlusive edition cause that blue is *chef’s kiss* gorgeous), so I’m excited to get sucked into it.

A lot of the books on my TBR this month are on the meatier side, so I’m going to need a graphic novel to break up all of the text. This volume of Rat Queens, though, is the only graphic novel that I own that’s under 150 pages (which surprised me a bit, honestly). I love the first volume so I’m pumped to continue this story.


This book has been out for a month, and I can’t believe I haven’t finished it yet. I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this and started it back in February. I read a nice chunk of it, but then I went to Hawai’i and could not bring this brick of a book with me on the plane. Then March happened, so I haven’t picked it up since. I loved what I read so far, so my plan is to reread what I had already, and then roll right ahead.

I’m thriving with all of the French-inspired/France setting fantasies that have been coming out over the past year. The Court of Miracles is a reimagining of Les Mis where Eponine and Cosette are at the forefront, and I cannot wait to read this one.

Release date: June 2, 2020

  • Muggle Studies: Read a book from the perspective of a muggle (AKA: read a contemporary)

I love the story of Anna Karenina, so when I heard about this book, I jumped at the chance to read it. I’m intrigued to see how such a complex and twisty story will be translated to a YA book, so hopefully I can get to this one this month.

When I first requested this book from Netgalley, I knew very little about it except for the fact that the cover is so pretty. However, once I looked into it more, it jumped high on my TBR mainly because it’s a story about lady pirates, and it’s also queer.

Release date: May 5, 2020


(I still haven’t read this yet; don’t look at me.) I loved the first one, and it ended with a huge cliffhanger so I need to find out what happens next ASAP. My days and nights are all turned around, so reading most of this when it’s dark outside will not be a challenge.

Release date: May 5, 2020

Ever since I read The Night Circus I’ve been a sucker for fantasy circuses, so when I read about Where Dreams Descend I immediately added it to my Most Anticipated Reads of 2020 list. This book seems to have the magical atmosphere that I love, along with some deadly stakes, intense competition, and a little bit of romance; I am PUMPED.

Release date: June 2, 2020

And, because I want to read all the things right now, I have a few more books that I really hope to get to this month that aren’t a part of my O.W.L.s TBR.

1. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue: V.E. Schwab

The fact that this book is in my hands is so insane to me, I cannot even believe it. I’m so upset that I couldn’t figure out a place to put it in my O.W.L.s TBR that I just had to add this here. The Invisible Life may be my most anticipated book of the year, so you bet your ass I’m reading it now.

Release date: October 6, 2020

2. Britt-Marie Was Here: Frederik Bachman

Even with social distancing, I feel like I’ve talked to my friends more than ever. Because of that, we finally got off our asses and decided to start that book club that we always said we would. Bachman’s Britt-Marie Was Here is the first selection my friend made. She’s actually already finished it and loved it, so I’m excited to finally read one of Bachman’s works.

3. Wild Beauty: Anna-Marie McLemore

In addition to Soul of the WorldWild Beauty was the other title I picked out of my Top 20 To Read TBR jar this month. I’m normally not the biggest fan of magical realism, but I’ve heard nothing but great things about Anna-Marie McLemore’s books, so hopefully I get to this one this month.

2 thoughts on “O.W.L.s Read-a-thon TBR | Monthly TBR 2020

    • It seriously is one of my favorite readathons. I hope you finish all your prompts! And I just started Nocturna yesterday; I’m not far but it’s pretty solid 50 pages in haha 😆

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