July TBR | Monthly TBR 2023

I had a whole TBR planned for June, I swear. But I hit a major reading slump in May, so I made the decision to just mood read for the entire month of June to try and reset. And, my god, did it work. I went from reading 5 books in the month of May to __ in June. Not only did the quantity even though I started the month with a 2-star read, I’ve had TWO 5-star reads this month (after not having one since March) which is beyond exciting. I’m hoping to continue the reading pace in July with the following books. I may jump ship and mood read a bit more like I did in June, but I’m actually really excited for everything on my TBR this month that I may not. I have a good mix of romance and fantasy on this TBR, so that may really help me as the month progresses.

1. Read a 22 to read in 2023

Battle Royale: Koushun Takami

I truly don’t know anything about this book other than it’s about a high school class that is sent to a deserted island and told to kill each other until only one is left. I haven’t read something this brutal in ages, and with all of the romance on this list, it’ll definitely be a different kind of read for me.

Beautiful World, Where Are You: Sally Rooney

Rooney’s latest novel Beautiful World, Where Are You follows two friends, Alice and Eileen, as they try to navigate life, love, and everything in between while still trying to find beauty in the world. I’ve heard fantastic things about all of Rooney’s works, so I’m excited to finally dig into something from her. This one seems to be fairly divisive amongst readers, so we shall see which side of the line I fall on.

2. Read an eARC/ARC

More PerfectTemi Oh

Okay, this is like the third book that I’ve come across in the last week or so that is a Eurydice and Orpheus retelling/reimagining and I am living for it. Temi Oh’ More Perfect is set in a near-future London where people can use an implant to access a virtual social media, and the government will do anything to “protect” their citizens.

Release date: August 15, 2023

My Roommate is a Vampire: Jenna Levine

On the brink of eviction, artist Cassie is desperate for somewhere to live. So when she finds an apartment in a beautiful Chicago neighborhood for cheap, she doesn’t even question how strange her new roommate, Frederick, may be. Even if he’s a vampire.

This book just sounds so fun and the perfect combination of a paranormal romance and a romcom. I’m just so ready to fall in love with this since I love a good vampire romance, and it’ll be a great pallet cleanser with all of the heavy fantasy that I have on this TBR.

Release date: August 29, 2023

3. Read a “not-me” title

Jade City (The Green Bone Saga: 1): Fonda Lee

I am so determined to read this book this month. I started it at some point last year, got about 150 pages into it, and for whatever reason put it down. It’s not like I wasn’t enjoying it – I was – but I guess I just wasn’t in the mood for a fantasy at that point. Regardless, Jade City will be read this month if it’s the last thing I do. I have such a strong feeling that once I really get into the series that I will love it so deeply, but I just need to read it to fully solidify that feeling.

Jade City follows the Kaul family, one of two crime families that control the island of Kekon, and their ability to harness the power of jade. When the tension between the two families starts to bubble onto the streets of Kekon and a battle over power begins, the fate of the island and every one on it is thrown into question.

The Duchess Effect (American Royalty: 2): Tracey Livesay

I read American Royalty last year, and even though it started off a bit slowly, I ended up really enjoying the story as a whole. Danielle “Duchess” and Prince Jameson’s chemistry was so much fun to read, and I cannot wait to see their relationship develop further in The Duchess Effect. I don’t know where this book is going to go (and I’m keeping it that way), but I’m ready to read anything about these two.

Release date: July 11, 2023

4. Read a sequel

Cruel Seduction (Dark Olympus: 5): Katee Robert

I feel like with every book in this series I fall more and more in love with it. I will say in the beginning it read more like a companion series, but with Wicked Beauty and Radiant Sin the series definitely needs to be read in order as the overarching plot becomes more intricate. Yes, all of the books are retellings or reimaginings of Greek mythology, but Robert has made her own world where these stories fit so well. Cruel Seduction is her take on the Aphrodite and Hephaestus myth, and I cannot wait to see where it goes.

Release date: August 8, 2023

Twisted Hate (Twisted: 3): Ana Huang

I reread Twisted Love last month for a book club, and it just made me want to read Josh’s book so badly. I’m just so ready to read an enemies to lovers by Ana Huang, I’m disappointed in myself that I haven’t already.

5. Read a backlist title (2022 or earlier)

A Reaper at the Gates (An Ember in the Ashes: 3): Sabaa Tahir

I’ve been veeeeeery slowly making my way through Sabaa Tahir’s An Ember in the Ashes quartet, but this is the year that I’ll finish it. From the immersive setting, compelling characters, and a hint of romance, this series has everything that I love in a fantasy story but I definitely need to finish it up. I cannot wait to dive back into Laia, Elias, and Helene’s story this month.

The Proposal (The Wedding Date: 2): Jasmine Guillory

Summer is very much baseball season in my house, so (even though this isn’t a baseball romance) I picked this up almost as soon as it came out. But it’s sat on my shelf since then. This book is a part of my unhaul project for this month (more on that at the end of this post, as usual), but I’ve really been in the mood recently to give it a true shot.

When Nikole goes to a Dodgers game with her actor boyfriend of five months, a scoreboard proposal was not what she was expecting – but that’s exactly what she gets. Saying no was easy, what isn’t easy is facing the disappointed fans around her. Coming to her rescue at the game and after a video of Nik at the game goes viral is Carlos, a kind and handsome stranger. Not expecting anything serious, the two start a fun no-strings-attached rebound. But when things start to heat up, one of them has to break it off…right?

6. Read a most anticipated title

2022 – Good Girl Complex (Avalon Bay: 1): Elle Kennedy

Due to other plans, I’m not going to be able to go down to the beach this year like I normally do. So, to try and fill the whole of the actual beach I’m in desperate need to read a romance set on the beach. Hence, Good Girl Complex on this month’s TBR. I’ve read three of Elle Kennedy’s Off-Campus series before and enjoyed them more and more as the series went on, so I have fairly high hopes for this one. I’m just looking for a fun, summery romance and this just gives all those vibes.

2023 – One for My Enemy: Olivie Blake

Ever since reading The Atlas Six last year, I’ve been itching to read other Olivie Blake. One for My Enemy follows two rival witch families in New York City and their competing criminal enterprises. I’ve heard that this is a loose Romeo & Juliet retelling/reimagining as well, so the themes of star-crossed lovers and revenge, I imagine, will play large rolls in this as well. Apparently I’m all about reading retellings and the like this month, but I’m not complaining.

Unhaul Project | Contemporary Romance

For me, summer is all about reading contemporaries so I knew I had to focus on contemporary romance for this month’s unhaul project. I’ve had all of these books on my TBR since 2018 or so, but there’s just something about them that has made me keep them on my shelves for five years. Mostly, I feel like these are books that I could “only” read during summer, especially Stay Sweet, just because they scream summer and I’m very much a seasonal reader. Even though I have a fairly sizable TBR this month, I do hope to try all three of these since, if nothing else, I’ll get through them fairly quickly.

The Proposal (The Wedding Date: 2): Jasmine Guillory

Stay Sweet: Siobhan Vivian

Love Songs & Other Lies: Jessica Pennington

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