September TBR | Monthly TBR 2023

Man, August was a weird month. It started off pretty normally, but once it hit the 15th it completely got away from me (or, in the very eloquent words of Taylor Swift “august slipped away like a bottle of wine”). And now it’s somehow the second-ish week of September. Reading wise I started off strong last month, but lost steam as the month progressed and I got strangely busy. I don’t think I’m going to be any less busy this month, but my reading goals are just as lofty. But I’m really excited to read all of these, like, right now, so hopefully I can this month. We shall see.

1.Ā Read a 22 to read in 2023

Northern Wrath (The Hanged God Trilogy: 1): Thilde Kold Holdt

I keep saying that I love Nordic fantasy, but keep not picking them up. Hopefully that changes this month with Thilde Kold Holdt’s Northern Wrath.Ā Yes it may mean I’m starting yet anotherĀ new series, but I’m okay with that. Give me an action packed story with a bit of magic and gods, and I’m sold. I haven’t heard anything about how this book is, but it’s just calling to me and I’m ready to dive into it.

The Last Graduate (The Scholomance: 2): Naomi Novik

It’s about time that I finally attempt to continue (and hopefully finish) Novik’s Scholomance trilogy. I readĀ A Deadly EducationĀ when it was released back in 2020 and absolutely loved it. But, like with many sequels, I just keep putting this one off. But not anymore! Though I may have to find a quick recap ofĀ A Deadly EducationĀ somewhere, I have high hopes for this one since I enjoyed the first so much.

2.Ā Read an eARC/ARC

Friends Don’t Fall in Love: Erin Hahn

I read one of Hahn’s young adult books on a complete whim a few years ago and really enjoyed it. Ever since, I’ve been meaning to pick up more of her work, especially her adult contemporary romances. She’s put a few out over the last couple of years, but this one just spoke to me on a personal level so I knew I had to pick it up as soon as I could. I’m not usually a fan of friends-to-lovers, but I have faith that Hahn can do it right for me to love it.

Release date: October 17, 2023

These Burning Stars (The Kingdom Trilogy: 1): Bethany Jacobs

I’ve said this in a couple of TBRs in the past, but I’m still looking to find my favorite type of sci-fi book. Jacobs’ debut These Burning StarsĀ space opera is just calling my name at the moment. The thought of reading a revenge/heist sci-fi right now is just hitting the spot. I cannot wait to dive into it as soon as I can.

Release date: October 17, 2023

3.Ā Read a “not me” title

The Future of Another Timeline: Annalee Newitz

The next two books are definite products of me trying to figure out exactly what I like in sci-fi. I’ve had Newitz’sĀ The Future of Another TimelineĀ on my shelves for years, and it’s always sounded really interesting to me. However, I’ve found that I’m super picky when it comes to time travel stories because the logic of it needs to make sense to me so we’ll see how this goes.

The Ones We’re Meant to Find: Joan He

Like many millennials, I grew up on dystopian novels —Ā The Hunger Games, Divergent, Matched, I’ve read pretty much most of them if they were released in the 2000s. So out of all of the subgenres of sci-fi, dystopian is pretty much my happy place. However, I haven’t read (to my memory) an eco-dystopian likeĀ The Ones We’re Meant to Find. From the synopsis, I’m not quite sure what I’m going to be in for besides a mystery surrounding two sisters, but I’m intrigued enough to give it a shot. I’ve had this since it was an Owlcrate book back in 2021, so it’s far past time to give it a read.

4.Ā Read a backlist title (published 2021 or earlier)

Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass: 1): Sarah J. Maas

If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’re probably like “Jill, why isĀ Throne of GlassĀ on your TBRĀ again? Didn’t you reread it last year?” And I would say, “Yes, I did.” However, a friend of mine at work wants to read all of Maas’ work before her new book is out in January, so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to read them with her. She’s never read the Throne of Glass orĀ Crescent City series before, so it’ll be fun to experience all of the emotions and action with her. Plus, it’ll get me to do the reread I’ve been meaning to do for so long.

Umbrella Academy Vol. 3: Hotel Oblivion: Gerard Way & Gabriel Ba

With the end of the year creeping up, I want to try and finish as many series as I can especially ones that I only have one book left as is the case withĀ Umbrella Academy. I originally picked up the series after I watched the TV show a couple of years ago, and whenĀ Hotel OblivionĀ came out I purchased it immediately and (of course) did not read it immediately. I honestly have no idea where this story could continue to go, but I’m excited to finally finish this series (and maybe it’ll motivate me to finish the TV show too).

5.Ā Read a sequel

The Name of All Things (A Chorus of Dragons: 2): Jenn Lyons

Like I just said, I want to try and finish as many series as I can before the end of the year, and I’ve been wanting to continue and finish Jenn Lyons’Ā A Chorus of DragonsĀ series since I rereadĀ The Ruin of KingsĀ back in 2020. I was waiting until all five of the books were out before I continued so I could try and power through them all, and it’s time to just do it. I really enjoyedĀ The Ruin of KingsĀ and the very detailed world building in it, and I hope that my enjoyment continues and I can go through the rest of the books with (relative) ease (relative since they’re all over 500 pages).

The Ashes and the Star-Cursed King (Crowns of Nyaxia: 2): Carissa Broadbent

As of writing this, I have about 80 pages left ofĀ The Serpent & the Wings of NightĀ as of writing this and I know I’m going to want to dive into the sequel as soon as I finish. For me, this series has the perfect balance of fantasy politics, character development, and romance that just makes me want to read nothing else — plus, it has VAMPIRES. As of now, I have no idea where this series is going, but I’m excited to find out.

6.Ā Read a most anticipated title

2022: The Dead Romantics: Ashley Poston

There isĀ a lotĀ of dense, heavy fantasy and sci-fi on this TBR, so I knew I needed something a bit lighter. But, even though it’s been 90 degrees the last few days where I live, I’m starting to feel that spooky season itch. I’ve been wanting to read Poston’sĀ The Dead RomanticsĀ since it’s release last year, but I just haven’t gotten around to it. Hopefully I can get to it this month and I can start my spooky season off right with a romcom about a ghost.

2023: Sword Catcher (Sword Catcher: 1): Cassandra Clare

The fact that I can read a Cassandra Clare book earlier is mind blowing to me, and I don’t want to waste the opportunity. I truly have grown up with Clare’s writing, and I’m excited to see what she can do in an epic/high fantasy setting. If it’s anything like her past stuff, I’m sure I’m going to enjoy it.

Release date: October 10, 2023

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