November TBR | Monthly TBR 2023

Oh, October was just not my month (reading wise, that is). I was just so busy that I barely got time to read, and those books that I did read I either wasn’t loving which dragged everything out or I was just taking forever to get through them. So this month I’m a) not putting a ton of pressure on myself to read, and b) am going to try to read some of the books that I wanted to read last month, this month. So this TBR is full of books that may have been on a TBR previously this month with a few new additions. I am also hopping to get to some of the books that I started earlier this year that I just haven’t finished yet for one reason or another (I’m looking at you Divine Rivals). That’s going to be a goal for the next two months, so that’s not quite my main priority for November.

Who knows what November will entail, but without further ado here is my November TBR:

1. Read a 22 to read in 2023

The Final Empire (Mistborn: 1): Brandon Sanderson

If nothing else this month, I’m going to finally start Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere. I’ve been waiting all year to finally pick up this book, and I’m glad I’m finally able to get around to it. I read Skyward by Sanderson last year and really enjoyed it, and it truly solidified my high expectations for The Final Empire. I just cannot wait to finish my current read and pick this up immediately.

Circe: Madeline Miller

Have I read Song of Achilles? No. Have I tried reading Song of Achilles? Yes. Will I give Madeline Miller another chance because the writing was beautiful but I just couldn’t get into the story when I did try to read her previously? Again, yes. There’s just something about the plot of Circe that I think I will vibe better with. (I think it’s possible that the impending sadness in Song of Achilles was just too much for me at the time.) And who knows, maybe reading and (hopefully) loving Circe will make me try and pick up Song of Achilles again despite the impending tears.

2. Read an eARC/ARC

The Gentleman’s Gambit (A League of Extraordinary Women: 4): Evie Dunmore

Oh this series finale is bittersweet. Yes, I am so excited to read the last book in this series, but Dunmore’s Bringing Down the Duke was the first historical romance I ever read and opened up a whole new genre for me. So far nothing has quite matched the magic of the first one, but I’ve enjoyed every book so far in this series, and I expect nothing less from The Gentleman’s Gambit. 

Release date: December 5, 2023

On the Plus Side: Jenny L. Howe

Okay, any book that has the sentence “When no one notices you, they can’t reject or insist you’re too much,” (which is scary relatable) in the synopsis has my immediate attention.

As a plus sized girly myself, I’m always on the look out for plus sized rep in romance, so I knew I had to request an ARC for this ASAP. Plus, add in that sentence from the synopsis, and I knew I had to read it. I also usually enjoy books about Hollywood and Hollywood related things, so I have high hopes for this one.

Release date: December 26, 2023

3. Read a “not me” title

Vampires of El Norte: Isabel Cañas

Now, historical supernatural western horror is usually not my thing. However, there’s something about this book that’s just calling to me. Maybe it’s because I’m always a sucker (pun intended) for a vampire story in any capacity. I’ve heard great things about Cañas’ debut The Hacienda, so I have high hopes for this one.

To Shape a Dragon’s Breath (Nampeshiweisit: 1): Moniquill Blackgoose

I’ve been itching to pick this one up since I bought it earlier this year. Ever since I read Fourth Wing, I’ve been looking for books with dragons and dragon schools. I know this is not a fantasy romance like Fourth Wing, but I have just as high expectations.

4. Read a backlist title (published 2021 or earlier)

The Truants: Kate Weinberg

Even though some people are starting to pivot to Christmas and winter time, I’m still very much in the fall/spooky mindset so when I was building this TBR I was searching for a dark academia that could fill that spooky vibe. I bought this on a complete whim a few years ago, and there’s just something that has kept it on my shelves for this long. I don’t know much about this book (and I don’t want to going in – I like going into mystery books knowing as little as possible) except that it talks about how dangerous obsession can be — I’m here for it.

Forced Bonds (The Bonds That Tie: 4): J. Bree

Okay, so I’m not following my “rules” for what a backlist title is with this book, but it’s close enough to 2024 for me to count this since it came out early 2022. I just really want to dive back into this series after reading the first three books back to back a few months ago. I’m trying to finish (or catch up to whatever is published) romantasy series before starting a new one, and I’m so close to finishing this one. Is it the best thing I’ve ever read? No. But, the story that Bree’s created in this world is just so addictive with some loveable (and love to hate) characters that I can’t wait to be back in it this month.

5. Read a sequel

Cruel Seduction (Dark Olympus: 5): Katee Robert

I meant to read this one months ago, and I’m so mad that I haven’t. Robert’s Dark Olympus series has been one of my favorites of the last few years and I’ve been so good at keeping up with the releases. I’m not as familiar with the Aphrodite and Hephaestus myths, but as this series has gone on it’s become less focused on being so close to the mythos and has truly thrived in it’s own plot. I’m so excited to see where the plot goes after the explosive way the last book ended.

For the Throne (The Wilderwood: 2): Hannah Whitten

This year seems to be the year of Hannah Whitten for me. I read her latest The Foxglove King earlier this year, absolutely loved it, and finally picked up her debut For the Wolf last month, and also absolutely loved it. So I want to keep this positive momentum going and just finish out the duology. I’m hopping that I can go 3 for 3 with Hannah Whitten this year, but only time will tell.

6. Read a most anticipated title

2022 – The Dead Romantics: Ashley Poston

This might be the third (?) time I’ve put The Dead Romantics on my TBR this year, and damnit I will read it this month … hopefully. Like I said earlier I’m still in the mood for spooky things, and I just want to read a romance with a ghost in it. I’ve heard great things about this one, so I’m hopeful that it will live up to the hype.

2023 – Iron Flame (The Empyrean: 2): Rebecca Yarros

As with seemingly the majority of people this year, I read Fourth Wing earlier and absolutely devoured it. So, of course, I’m going to try and read Iron Flame as soon as it is released. Not only am I extremely hyped to read it, but I don’t want to get spoiled for anything either. And if I know TikTok, I’ll be spoiled almost as soon as I open my feed.

Unhaul Project | Science Fiction

The last month of my unhaul project for this year, and I’m actually the most excited for this group of books. I keep saying that I want to prioritize sci-fi and then just never do. I’ve enjoyed Veronica Roth and Jay Krisoff’s works previously so I’m hopeful for those (they’ve just been sitting on my shelves for a while), and Goddess in the Machine was a book box pick a couple of years ago that I just never got around to reading. I’m just so ready to give each of these a shot, but not the longest leash if I’m not feeling them.

Chosen Ones: Veronica Roth

LIFEL1K3 (LIFEL1K3: 1): Jay Kristoff

Goddess in the Machine (Goddess in the Machine: 1): Lora Beth Johnson

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