Becca’s Bookoplathon TBR | Monthly TBR 2022

It’s time for my other favorite annual read-a-thon! Hosted by Becca from Becca and the Books on Youtube, Becca’s Bookoplathon is inspired by her monthly TBR game is basically Monopoly but make it bookish! There’s a handful of rules, but basically you just roll the dice and whatever space you land on, it’ll give you a reading prompt. To pick the amount of rolls that I had to do, I rolled a d20 and the first roll that was 10 or more I picked, which gave me 13 rolls! I then only got one double (which means I had to add a roll), bringing me to putting 14 books on my TBR for this month.

I have a fairly busy September, but I’m going on vacation at the end of the month and will be spending some time in an airport and on a plane. Other than that I am hopeful that I’ll get through all of these because they’re all books I’m ridiculously excited to read.

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Magical Read-a-thon: Autumn Equinox | Monthly TBR 2022

It’s time for one of my favorite readathons of the year: THE MAGICAL READATHON! (The Autumn Equinox edition, this time.) G over at Book Roast on YouTube has created such an immersive and detailed readathon, that I’m simply in awe. In extremely basic terms, over the past of a few readathons, participants have created their own characters to go do this magical school of Orilium. In April, we started our “education” and this month we continue on our path towards our selected careers. (This is all much better explained in G’s original announcement video here.) (Also, I did take part back in April, but I just never posted a TBR since I took a very needed mental health break.)

Personally, I’m working towards the Master of Elements career. And, in order to achieve my goal I need to complete five exams at various different levels (a.k.a. reading prompts). So, in total, I need to read six books in order to complete everything I need to. This is completely doable for me since I’ve been reading between 10 and 15 books for the past few months. I’m really excited to read everything I’ve chosen for this month, and I can’t wait to dive in as soon as I can.

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Whatever-a-thon TBR | Monthly TBR 2022

Is it just me or is this year just flying by? I honestly cannot believe we’re already in June. Regardless, I had an okay reading month in May, though I only had one 5 star read and it was a reread. I’m hoping to turn things around in June with the help of a really fun read-a-thon! This month, I’m participating in Whatever-a-thon hosted by Maddie from book browsing blog on YouTube. Though there are teams (go Shelf Slayers!) and a bingo board, the whole premise of the read-a-thon is to read whatever you want. So, even though there are a few prompts, I stuck to formatting my monthly TBR with my own personal prompts that I use every month and will just plug in the books as I go along during the month. I’m having really good feelings about all of the books on my TBR this month, and cannot wait to dive in.

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Medieval-a-thon TBR | Monthly TBR 2022

Long time no see, huh? I unintentionally, but necessarily took April off from just about everything (well, as much as I could). I thought May was going to be a busy month, but it turns out that April was ten times busier than I anticipated. Between baseball games and my best friend’s wedding, I had no time to do much of anything else. I did read a whole bunch (thanks to the help of audiobooks and ebooks), but of the TBR that I did make (and never posted), I read about none of it. So, with a new month comes a fresh slate and a month long read-a-thon! Like last year, I will be participating in Medieval-a-thon hosted by Holly from Holly Hearts Books on Youtube (check out her videos here)! I had so much fun participating in the past, so I of course I had to participate again.

Like last year, the amount of books one manages to read in the month determines your rank, starting at prisoner and going all the way up to emperor/empress. Along with rank is your chosen profession which is where the prompts come in. This year, I chose two professions – Baker and Tailor – since there’s 5 prompts per profession and I’ve read, on average, 10 books a month so far this year. (Watch this’ll be the month that I don’t, haha.) I’m really excited about all of the books I’m hoping to read this month, and to get back into the swing of things. Let’s hope for a calmer May!

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March TBR | Monthly TBR 2022

After my pretty decent reading month in February, I have big plans for March. I plan on participating in two week long read-a-thons this month: The Magical Read-a-thon Ramp-Up (hosted by G from Book Roast) and the Final Book Support Group read-a-thon (hosted by Steph from Steph Loves). I also have some of my most anticipated reads of the past few years on this TBR, which makes me even more excited. The downside: a lot of these books are chonky so it’s going to take some dedication to get through this whole TBR. But I’m ready to give it a go.

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A 3 Readathons in & A New Personal Project in One Month TBR | Monthly TBR

Am I being over ambitions with trying to participate in and complete 3 readathons within one month? Yes. But I’ve participated in all of these readathons before and desperately want to again. These readathons being: Polarthon hosted by Jade from JadeyRaeReads on Youtube, Blackathon hosted by Jesse from Bowties and Books on Youtube, and FaRoFeb which is hosted by a bunch of people and authors (the full website). Since Blackathon and FaRoFeb are both month long readathons, whereas Polarthon is only a week, I tried to pick books that would work for multiple prompts across various readathons. It was a bit of a challenge, but I think I managed to do pretty well.

The formatting and organization of this TBR may be a bit wonky, but I’ll try to go through everything as succinctly and easily as I can.

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Becca’s Bookoplathon & Magical Read-a-thon TBR | Monthly TBR 2021

I had a massive reading month in August (I read 14 books!), and I’m really hoping that that trend continues in September because this TBR is ginormous. Two of my favorite read-a-thons are happening this month — Becca’s Bookoplathon hosted by Becca and the Books on Youtube, and the Magical Read-a-thon hosted by G from BookRoast on YouTube — plus some books that aren’t on this TBR, but I still want to read. There are 14 books on this TBR, so without further ado…

Becca’s Bookoplathon

Based on her monthly TBR game, Bookopoly, this is the second time Becca has hosted Bookoplathon, and I’m so excited to take part in it once again. The game is essentially a combination of Monopoly and reading prompts, which just made making this TBR so much fun. The Bookopoly board was not kind to me this year, or rather the dice I used weren’t kind to me. I started with seven rolls this time around, thinking that that would be a reasonable amount of books for my TBR (I average about 7 books a month) even if I were to get a double and had add on an extra book (which is one of the rules of Bookopoly). Not only did I get a double … I GOT THREE! So my roll total went from 7 to 10, plus I had to skip one of my original rolls because I didn’t have a book to fill it, so I had to add a book for one of the rolls (another rule/challenge). So my super manageable TBR of 7 books grew to 11 oh so quickly.

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Path or Pantheon & Summerween Read-a-thons TBR | Monthly TBR 2021

Can you believe that it’s already July? Because I sure can’t. This year has just flown by and I have no idea how that it’s happened or what has even happened this year. My reading month last month wasn’t the best, nor was it the worst. However, I did ignore the majority of my TBR in favor of Ice Planet Barbarians which I’d rather not talk about (haha). But for July, I have big big plans for this month and a mini-vacation where I hope to get some good reading time in. I’m ready for the start of the summer, so let’s get this TBR started (’cause it’s a long one). 

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Whatever-a-thon & June TBR | Monthly TBR 2021

I said this in April, but I have to say it again: May was my best reading month so far this year! I read a total of twelve (!) books (thirteen if you include my one DNF), and though I didn’t love all of them, I did feel so motivated to read all month long. With that being said, I’m even more excited for June and the read-a-thon I’m participating in this month: Whatever-a-thon! Hosted by Maddie from book browsing blog on YouTube, this read-a-thon is all about, you guessed it, reading whatever the hell you want. There are prompts, teams, and challenges but the spirit of the whole thing is just to do you, basically. So, I won’t be structuring my TBR any differently than usual to fit the read-a-thon, but rather fit the read-a-thon to my reading! BUT! I am trying to read mostly queer books this month since it’s Pride!

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May TBR | Monthly TBR 2021

April was my best reading reading month yet (despite two DNFs), and I’m hoping to keep the momentum going with May. I didn’t reach my goal of reading one book a day in April (which was a long shot anyway), but I did read a bunch of books that I really enjoyed and have been on my TBR for a bit. But, what April did do was put me in a massive romance reading mood, which is perfect because I plan on taking part in the #MassMarketMay read-a-thon over on Instagram! (More info later in this post.) Since watching the show and reading the first Bridgerton book earlier this year, a whole new world of reading has been opened up to me, and I cannot wait to read more from the historical romance genre. But, overall, I have a good mixture of contemporary, historical, and fantasy/paranormal romance on my TBR this month, along with some fantasy, sci-fi and contemporary books that I’ve been itching to read. I have a good feeling about this month, and I’m ready to get started. 

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