November TBR | Monthly TBR 2023

Oh, October was just not my month (reading wise, that is). I was just so busy that I barely got time to read, and those books that I did read I either wasn’t loving which dragged everything out or I was just taking forever to get through them. So this month I’m a) not putting a ton of pressure on myself to read, and b) am going to try to read some of the books that I wanted to read last month, this month. So this TBR is full of books that may have been on a TBR previously this month with a few new additions. I am also hopping to get to some of the books that I started earlier this year that I just haven’t finished yet for one reason or another (I’m looking at you Divine Rivals). That’s going to be a goal for the next two months, so that’s not quite my main priority for November.

Who knows what November will entail, but without further ado here is my November TBR:

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September TBR | Monthly TBR 2023

Man, August was a weird month. It started off pretty normally, but once it hit the 15th it completely got away from me (or, in the very eloquent words of Taylor Swift “august slipped away like a bottle of wine”). And now it’s somehow the second-ish week of September. Reading wise I started off strong last month, but lost steam as the month progressed and I got strangely busy. I don’t think I’m going to be any less busy this month, but my reading goals are just as lofty. But I’m really excited to read all of these, like, right now, so hopefully I can this month. We shall see.

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July TBR | Monthly TBR 2023

I had a whole TBR planned for June, I swear. But I hit a major reading slump in May, so I made the decision to just mood read for the entire month of June to try and reset. And, my god, did it work. I went from reading 5 books in the month of May to __ in June. Not only did the quantity even though I started the month with a 2-star read, I’ve had TWO 5-star reads this month (after not having one since March) which is beyond exciting. I’m hoping to continue the reading pace in July with the following books. I may jump ship and mood read a bit more like I did in June, but I’m actually really excited for everything on my TBR this month that I may not. I have a good mix of romance and fantasy on this TBR, so that may really help me as the month progresses.

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Just a Normal May TBR | Monthly TBR 2023

After such a fantastic reading month in April, I was hoping to carry that motivation through May. However, that hasn’t been the case in the slightest. But hopefully with putting up my TBR (though already fourteen days into the month), it’ll give me the motivation to pick up all of these books that I’m ridiculously excited to read. I will try to not put too much pressure on myself, but we shall see.

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Magical Read-a-thon: Orilium Spring Equinox TBR | Monthly TBR 2023

My first TBR of the year, and it’s a doozy. I’ve kept meaning to put TBRs out for the last few months, but the days kept passing me by and then all of a sudden it was the 15th, and it all seemed a bit pointless. But since this month is Magical Read-a-thon time (a.k.a. my favorite read-a-thon every year), I couldn’t not post a TBR. Created and hosted by G from Book Roast on Youtube, the Magical Read-a-thon is a role playing/DND inspired readathon that intertwines character creation and a magical school setting. Essentially, to be “eligible” for certain professions your character needs to complete certain classes (by reading books that fit the assigned prompts) in a spring semester and a summer semester. I just have so much fun every year trying to complete this readathon, and I can’t wait to dive into it once more this year.

Just like last year, I’m going to continue my “education” to become a Master of Elements which has six prompts. However, G added a new profession this year – Wild Form Druid – which fits my character so well. I’m hoping to do both this year, sometimes even completing the same course twice, but my main focus is the first six. Doing both does add a bunch of books to my TBR, but I’m actually on vacation for a week this month that I hope to get a bunch of reading done while I’m relaxing. (Let’s just hope I stick to my TBR…).

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22 to Read in 2023 | Reading Goals 2023

I already have so much that I want to read this year, so why not add a few more priorities to the list? My TBR is just too out of control to not have some sort of priority list, honestly. This year, there is a bit of crossover from my 30 Before 30 books so I don’t completely overwhelm myself with “obligatory” reads (work smarter, not harder, right?). So, I’m going to split this list into two: One: books that I put on my 30 Before 30 so I won’t go into much detail here since I did in that post; and two: additional books I want to read this year.

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30 to Read Before 30 | Reading Goals

I cannot believe I’m making this list. Thirty always seemed so far away until, boom now it’s almost here. That fateful birthday is coming this October, so I have that long to try and read all of the books on this list. There are a couple of full series on this list, or series that I want to finish, and a good chunk of them are massive books (like over 700 pages massive) that I so desperately want to read. In theory, since I read around 100 books a year I should be able to read everything on this list (or, at the very least, attempt to), but…we’ll see how that goes.

Without further ado, here are the thirty books I want to read before I turn (gulp) thirty:

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December TBR | Monthly TBR 2022

This month is all about trying to read books that I’ve had on past TBRs that I didn’t get to the first (or the second) time. Plus some holiday romances, because “’tis the season.” There’s a lot of thick fantasy on this TBR for a fairly busy month, so the light holiday romance will definitely (hopefully) keep me from burning out. I had a terrible reading month in November (lots of low ratings and DNFs), so I’m really hoping for a fantastic finish to the end of this year.

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October TBR | Monthly TBR 2022

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! October is my favorite month of the year: it’s the perfect fall month, it has Halloween, and it’s my birthday month! October is always such a good month for me, so I cannot wait for it every year. I don’t have much planned for the rest of this month, so I’m hoping to spend the nice fall days reading — sounds like perfection.

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Becca’s Bookoplathon TBR | Monthly TBR 2022

It’s time for my other favorite annual read-a-thon! Hosted by Becca from Becca and the Books on Youtube, Becca’s Bookoplathon is inspired by her monthly TBR game is basically Monopoly but make it bookish! There’s a handful of rules, but basically you just roll the dice and whatever space you land on, it’ll give you a reading prompt. To pick the amount of rolls that I had to do, I rolled a d20 and the first roll that was 10 or more I picked, which gave me 13 rolls! I then only got one double (which means I had to add a roll), bringing me to putting 14 books on my TBR for this month.

I have a fairly busy September, but I’m going on vacation at the end of the month and will be spending some time in an airport and on a plane. Other than that I am hopeful that I’ll get through all of these because they’re all books I’m ridiculously excited to read.

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